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Posts in Califia
Enjoy Your Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is our yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. I am so grateful to all the people who are so hardworking, especially during this pandemic. I hope your holiday is filled with sunshine and gratitude.

Thanks to all of you who have seen my show or sent me well wishes and kudos. The Califia exhibit is up until September 21st. Stop by for a visit. Sullivan Goss is open seven days a week!


Bloomin’ Senorita, oil and cold wax on canvas, 30x30”

The River’s Journey project led me to the flower fields of Lompoc where once again I found my Califia muse.

We were greeted by a crew of women yelling "gritos" while blasting Mexican Folk music. It brought to mind the history of the many women who had traveled and worked in the fields of California.